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Серия конференций против интернет-цензуры
Haifa, Israel. January 31st-February 2nd 2023
Conference Program
Call for Proposals
Registration for Haifa
Challenges for hackaton
Challenge from Media Resistance Group
Challenges from AmneziaVPN
Challenges from CENO project
Registration Haifa
ENG Registration Haifa
Your name
to participate
at the hackathon
Yes, I will take part in the hackathon 1st and 2nd of February
I need advice on participating in the hackathon
I want to submit my project-task for a hackathon
Choose “yes” if you want to propose your own project or choose “no” if you are willing to join the proposed tasks.
Describe your project (what problem the project solves)
Any questions on event?
Please describe what sort of help you need.
Your social media profiles or github
Any messenger convenient for you (for quick and short messages) Telegramm, Signal, Matrix
Your skills
Tell us about your skills and what tasks you would like to take on at the hackathon.
Your expectations from the hackathon?
How did you hear about the event?
We conduct verification to ensure the safest possible space for participants. All additional data received from you will be used only to ensure the security of our event and will be deleted immediately after verification. If you are affiliated with an activist organization, independent media, or NGO, please enter your name here. Your application for participation will be reviewed within 3 days.
I keep kashrut during the event
Agree with safety policy rules
By filling out the registration form, the participant gives consent to the public organization eQualitie for the collection, storage, processing and use of personal data. The organizers (a) use your data solely for the purpose of organizing the event, (b) do not transfer them to third parties, (c) store them for 6 months, due to the purposes of collecting and announcing the future event.
If you are human, leave this field blank.