Paris, 18-19 novembre 2022 | Place "Le Sample"
18 av. de la République, 93170, Bagnolet

Lantern is a desktop and mobile software application that provides fast, reliable and secure access to blocked websites and applications with privacy.

Challenge 1: Easy

Lantern’s Discover feature allows producers and consumers to push content on the Lantern Network and consume it away from censorship.

How would you make Lantern’s Discover feature of Lantern more attractive to content creators? Imagine content creators from Russia, who face the challenge of potential censorship from the state.

Present 3-5 modifications to the Discover feature to make it more attractive for content creators.

Prize: to be added

Challenge 2: Medium

Lantern’s Discover feature is going through a major UI redesign to emphasize on consuming and producing content in the most user-friendly way possible. Attempt to redesign Lantern’s Discover feature, with a full UI mock, and present your findings.

Prize: to be added

Challenge 3: Hard

Lantern’s Discover feature is very good at handling (producing and consuming) single files. Those files are usually videos, images and audio files. There’s a way, though, to turn whole websites into a single file. It’s called a « Web Bundle » ( Chrome also has experimental support for it (chrome://flags/#web-bundles)

It’s not trivial to turn a whole website into a web bundle. The deliverables for this project are:

– Research how this can work and experiment with turning different blogs (like this one into a web bundle.

– Make a tool to turn a website into a web bundle (in any programming language) and upload it to Lantern’s Discover feature (upload URL will be supplied)

– Finally, research if it is possible to just point a browser to a web bundle and have it work without requiring a special plugin.

Prize: to be added